Lily Lau seminar 2007

During the last week of May, we had once more the pleasure to welcome our teacher, Grandmaster Lily Lau in Greece. The seminar lasted for five days, from the 20th to the 25th of May, and it was held at the headquarters of A.S.K.
For the first time, Grandmaster Lily Lau taught the students the ten –out of fifty- Lin Kune fighting techniques, that constitute the base of our system. These techniques are very handy, as they are simple and fairly easy to learn, while their daily practice can build strong hands and develop the coordination of the upper and lower limbs of the body.
The more advanced students were taught the ten techniques of the continuous fist (Lin Kune), as well as chin lau sai, a taolu characterised by the combination of complex acrobatic movements (fan zi) and practical chi na techniques (ying zhua). This path of practice is traced back to the Ming dynasty and it is one of the six famous taolu created by the monk Li Quan, founder of the Ying Zhua Fan Zi Men (Eagle Claw).

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