The second Shuai Jiao Seminar


The second Shuai Jiao Seminar organised by the Hellenic Shuai Jiao Union lasted 10 days and were ended successfully on the 8th of June 2014.Coach Liu Zu Guang along with his student Sonny Mannon were in charge.
This year, apart from the students of the clubs of the Hellenic Union-A.C Keramikos,A.C Voreios Aetos and A.C Mahitikon Tehnon Ilision-,athletes from other clubs such as Sullogos Voreion Proasteion, Athletic Club “O Mahitis”, Athletic Club “Anatasis”, as well as the coaches Mantas Dimitris, Damaskos,Christos and Kontogiannis Aggelos took part in it.

The secrets of this ancient and up to date fighting art,revealed slowly to the student and coaches that attended the seminar.The deep knowledge of coach Liu as well as his valuable experience from the shuai jiao matches he has taken part,contribute to communicate his knowledge and make the difficult and demanding techniques look easier to the beginners.

During the long hours tutorial classes that only the coaches of the union took part(Doukas,Derventis and Divanis),emphasis was given to the principles of the body and movement and how by understanding them you can make the technique efficient.New techniques and variations were taught as well as how to counter attack these moves.

Coach Liu was very satisfied by the performance of the athletes of the union and their achievements at the World Shuai Jiao Championship held in Rome.His good spirit was translated in a deeper analysis of the secrets of the techniques.For us,his intention to share his valuable knowledge along with the great assistant of his close students Sonny Mannon and Brian Johnston,is the biggest recognition and reward for our efforts.It motivates us to work harder everyday.

Hellenic Union's next goal is to participate at the next world championship that will take part in China in 2015.Until then,everybody has to work hard in order to grow our base in Greece and our students to go to the next level.
The union is open to all the clubs that want to get in touch with the art of shuai jiao and initiate Chinese wrestling to their schools.
Please feel free to contact us,so we can arrange a plan of  future seminars.

The president of the union
Doukas Dimitris

The coaches
Derventis Panagiotis
Divanis Giorgos