Opening ceremony of the new school “Mahitiki Academia Platonos”

Our family has grown!

On the 15th of May the opening ceremony of the space that “Mahitiki Academia Platonos” is going to use,took place. At first the students of our clubs gave exams and then we celebrated.
Moukas Kostas is the coach of the new club.
His persistence and diligence guarantee success.
On the link below you can find information about the clubs and the coaches of our family. Class schedule/clubs


We began early.
First the young students and later on the adults.It was very interesting to watch different ages and levels being examed.You could trace the continuation as well as the evolution from one level to the next.You could see how the body gain skills,how it becomes more flexible and strong at the same time,how the stability is more evident,how it gets familiarised with the space,the motion,the opponent.Moreover,you can detect how different personalities and people from different walks of life come together,how friendships are initiated.

Later on our celebration-the opening ceremony- was honoured by friends,acquantances,students and coaches.Wishes,exchange of gifts,advices,healthy sentimentalism,intense atmosphere,joy and a lot of awkwardness for the great honour I received.

All the  coaches wished genuinely and declared their moral and actual support.
Specifically,the President of Hellenic Wushu Association Stamoulis Labros,the Master of the Eagle Claw Derventis Panagiotis,Master Tang Tung Wing,shifu Karapanos,shifu Kontogiannis and shifu Stathopoulos.Moreover,everyone from our internal kung fu family (T.C.M.A) were there supportive and especially my older brother and sister- shifu Divanis Giorgos and Toumpakari Ioanna- who embraced the moment vividly and welcomed my new beginning.Of course our shifu Doukas Dimitris was present trying to put into words,phrases and silences the change of my everyday life into something deeper..He gave me his blessings and his official approval to teach his kung fu and broaden our family.

Music,wine and food were competing each other during the night.

A big thank you to everybody.
Images and emotions need time to get in order.

Moukas Kostas